
Dear reader, 

I just wrote this for Living Is So Big. It will be my third article. 


Yes, I am a High School Musical fan. There is a song called 'We're All in This Together' towards the end of the first movie. The lyrics sing, "Everyone is special in their own way. We make each other strong - we're not the same. We're different in a good way. Together's where we belong."

I recently watched a movie called Pitch Perfect. Yes, it is a ridiculous movie and I have seen it 3x in the movie theater. Each time i enjoy the experience of going more and more, because everyone is laughing together and clapping together to the music. It is an experience unlike any other I have experienced at a movie theater before. Everyone is laughing together and literally cheering for the good guys to win! Everyone walks out of the movie theater dancing and singing to the music. They are all in it together. 

Sometimes in life, it feels everyone is separated going their own ways and that we don't communicate. We have our barriers and our walls up. However, it was different in that movie theater. Our barriers were broken and our walls came down, we were all laughing together and cheering together. We were all on the same team, same side!

If we all could be a more like that in our every day life, miracles could happen. If we could break through those barriers more often, if we could conquer more walls - we could reach out, be each other's friend, and we would start to understand each other more. We could all be in it together

Lets make a goal to reach out to others, do something for a friend, or just smile at a passing stranger. If we are all in this together, we can be there for each other, help each other, and strengthen each other. 

'We're All in This Together' ends with, "We're all in this together. Once we know that we are - we're all stars and we see that we're all in this together. And it shows when we stand hand in hand, make our dreams come true."




  1. This is pretty awesome, not sure who you are, but I enjoy reading you posts, Megan. Thanks =D

  2. You're welcome! And thank you for the compliment. It means a lot! (:


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