
Dear readers,

I am now officially in Texas and getting use to the heat. I am getting settled and unpacking everything. It surprises me how much stuff I have collected over the years. It is a little bit exciting opening this chapter in my life. I got engaged on Sunday and we are planning for an August wedding.

Great things are coming ahead!

Just not wedding planning, but blog planning is happening for We Laugh. I promise the first post for the 'I Am Wonderful' Campaign is coming. Our first person is Jared Wells. And I can't wait to show Jared's reasons for being wonderful! Because he is an amazing person. We all are amazing. Don't ever forget that.

I am also looking for guest blog posters!

By the way we have had our 6,000th view on our blog! Thank you for passing on the word and sharing our blog. Because of you we are growing and our message continues to spread! Thank you!


As I have continued to meet new people and hear their stories, so many individuals are effected by suicide. And that really breaks my heart. There has to be change; we need to be willing to change! Break down our walls, speak about it, hug a stranger, and spread the hope of a better tomorrow!

Let people know there is happiness just ahead if they keep holding on. I am there for them; you are there for them. Together we can strengthen each other and be a friend. Together we can do so much.

What does it mean to you to be a friend? 



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