Taking a Break

Dear readers,

Don't be disappointed, however I will be taking a break from the blogging world for about three to four weeks. My life is turning upside down right now, I've had so many emotions, and just to take a break from the blog I think is needed.

But don't worry, I will be back.

The blog will have a redesign, a new motto. I have plans going through my head, because this blog is a huge part of my life. I started this blog about three months after one my best friends passed away.

It has been a really, really hard struggle. And I still really struggle with it; something things I never thought possible or different things I knew struggle with I never thought imaged. But alas, it's reality.

But what I know is that I have a voice and I want it to be heard. I need a break though.

I need to take some time to heal and just breathe for a few moments.

But I will continue still fighting for suicide prevention, I am still fighting for voices to not be forgotten, and there is the message I want to spread around the world that you are wonderful.

I mean that.

Never doubt how wonderful you are. While you wait for my return, spread the good news about We Laugh. Tell your friends, your neighbor, your sister and brother. I am here to stay; I ain't going anywhere! 

I have a voice that needs to be heard. 

There are things to work on and there are things to be accomplished. Memories will live on forever and together we can make such a difference.

That's my promise to you. Deal?



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