Taking a break

Dear readers,

We have been on this journey together for over two years...

I'm grateful for these experiences, for these challenges...

The last two years have had some of my hardest moments, some of my happiest moments...

But it is time for me to put this blog on the shelf for right now. I will be returning to college tomorrow and I also am a blogger over at marvelousandme.com. We Laugh is something I will dedicate my life to, but for right now I need to take a step forward away from this blog and work on me. I need to heal. I need to remind myself what makes me happy.

Life is all about that...it's about the journey...about being happy, about seeing the good in life. After Robin William's death, it hit me that I'm still very much broken. His death hit me hard, brought up memories and feelings I haven't dealt with. So I'm taking this moment for me, to get back into the groove thing and to get back to feeling like Megan.

My friend would want that for me.

But none the less, I will be spreading happiness whereever I go and I will be back. Because this is a part of me...so stick around...read old post...because you never know... (:

And you can always pop over at marvelousandme to read about my life and my adventures! (:

Till then...



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